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It seems I am going to be doing this for a while. We met on Sunday. It was good to see other people’s work, but I had nothing to show just yet. Sally was in Spain, but I need to remind myself that I am here and there’s plenty to see and check out not that far from here. I keep saying that we live in a place of a permanent holiday (apart from the weather, of course).
I am so terribly behind, but I know none of this is going away. I have just watched the STUCK video (it made me laugh, thank you for sharing it). A nice metaphor for all the things that are kind of crawling in my non-creative life at the moment - it happens, but it’s a learning experience for me as well. Thank you for this and for other reminders about no pressure and no need to rush. I will bear that in mind! I was warned that the word behind will be banned - it was funny and it helped me see the bright side of the shitty situation I am feeling I am in.
SH: Hi!! I’m going to ban the word ‘behind’…. too negative, ‘dallying’ is a nicer one? Tortoise and Hare Dariusz… you will get there. Try to do something, no matter how small each say to keep the embers burning.
For what it’s worth, I experiment with small things on the side, so it’s not that negative. I have to adjust my expectations, which is all fine. As always, it’s a journey and not the pace that matters.
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We are now supposed to be in Module 3, but I am still stuck in Module 2. I am slowly catching up, but I have not done as much as I thought I would. Or perhaps, I kind of anticipated it anyway, so I am redirecting my energy where it is needed more. It is all good. I will be doing some rubbing tomorrow with the plates I have in drawer.
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It is the first day of the course. So far, I have progressed more than I’d initially anticipated. There is an image I have to post and describe why it is this one in particular. There are many images I could post, but there is one that I have already chosen. Now I just have to come up in words why this is the one. Lots of thoughts, I kind of have a few reasons, but it seems we need to intellectualise it. I will give it a try.